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I'm Divyansh,
a web developer.

Front-End Developer

Contact Me!

Here is a small gallery of my recent projects.
I've done them all with amazing people from companies around the world.
In comparison to the entire list, it's a drop in the bucket.
Would you like to see more? Take a look.


🔭 I’m currently working on a portfolio website. 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on DSA and front-end web development projects. 🤝 I’m looking for help with a portfolio website. 🌱 I’m currently learning DSA and front-end web development. 💬 Ask me about C, C++, HTML, CSS and JS. ⚡ Fun fact I am interested in photography.

Finance Management
Everyone could be better off with more financial education, right? Here’s a golden tip just for you.
Let me tell you about my one learning that helps me maximize my output, not just at work but all across the board!
Structured Procrastination. This might sound a bit off, but you should add more tasks to your list.
But the truth is, life never gets better in the future if it’s not good in the now.
In our daily lives, we often tend to confuse things that are important with urgent things.
Tax harvesting
Cooby: Supercharge WhatsApp for work.
Language Learning
Language learning with Netflix: LLN is a Chrome extension that gives you superpowers over Netflix. It makes studying languages with films/series more effective and enjoyable.
Save Money
The travel season is here, so here are some tips on how you can save money while traveling!

I’m interested in freelance opportunities – especially ambitious or large projects. However, if you have other request or question, don’t hesitate to use the form.

Divyansh Sagar

India, Uttar Pradesh
Ghaziabad, Vaishali
